
Showing posts from 2009

2nd world war

recently, the tv is showing a soap series which happens during world war 2. I was resting at home yesterday (had been away from home for few weeks, finally, I'm home!!), and watching the episode with my mum. While watching, my mum told me that the world war 2 happened during my grandma's time. As shown in the episode, my grandma and her family ran away from the Japanese army into jungle. She had to eat whatever she could find in the jungle when she was hiding in the jungle. She dirtied her face with charcoal to avoid being caught by the army. Their lives were very difficult at the time. I feel gratitude for not living in those days.  However war has never stopped but changes its form. 

开始 Beginning of the Journey

昨天,好知己的喜宴终于结束,我也顺利地完成我的任务。喜宴举办得很成功哦! 今天,小两口就赶着回婆家那儿办另一场婚宴。啊,我真替他们感到疲累! 今天,我也累的倒下了。睡了整个下午。从槟岛回来后,一直不舒服,却没有像今天般,头疼还呼吸困难。真庆幸不是喜宴前! 相交了十多年的知己,终于和另一半步入人生的另一个旅程。这是一个新的开始。看她眼睛红红的听着老公的承诺,还有看着她的爸妈那种神情,即使她结婚后没有离家太远,那种离开这个家步入另一个家的感觉还是深刻心底的。 希望她和他相守到老。你们可要快快乐乐的哦,幸福的度过一生!这是我最真诚的祝福。


向北部去,就会看到连绵不绝的山。偶尔我们的车在高速公路上,经过一些独立在旁的老树。 一片叶子也没的老树,以身上仅剩的枝桠朝天空伸展去,仿佛想抓住天空里的一些东西把他/她/它留在身旁。那可能只是一只碰巧经过的鸟儿。或者那棵老树只想要钩下一片云为自己的枝桠增加色彩。 非常喜欢天空的我,如今除了天空,这些树似乎也成了我的新宠。有机会,我一定要他们照照相呢。

Kuala Terengganu ~ 一路上听王菲的歌

来丁加奴的这一天,是晴天。虽然不是晴空万里,其热气可是把我们热透了。那刺眼的阳光把我们的眼睛刺疼。他递了太阳眼镜给我。 一路朝东,我们听着王菲的歌,哼着,唱着。我的心情非常愉快。 听王菲的歌特别有感觉,因为王菲的歌声和林夕的词总能触碰我的心。 驾了两个小时,是吧,就两个吧,我累了。幸好有他,一路驾到丁加奴。 到过丁加奴几次,我却从来没有好好欣赏过路上的风景。每一次,我都聚精会神的在驾驶。 天空蔚蓝,那是我最喜欢的颜色,却不是我喜欢天空的原因。我喜欢天空,因为他不断随着阳光而改变,更喜欢云的变化衬托着他。天空有时让人惊喜,有时让人悲伤,有些时候让人感慨。 就让丁加奴的星空伴我入睡吧!


Watched this yesterday night. Wanted to stay overnight for a movie or anime quite some time and enjoyed some luxuries of being a cat that stayed awake in the midnight. His music always impressed me. Sir, please organize an orchestra concert in Malaysia!!!! Hooray, I just turned into 2X years old (don't ask me my age - forbidden, it's still started with num 2 hehe)!!!! A lot more to experience, learn and improvE!! 长大了,是什么?以前,懵懵懂懂的过日子。那时总以为,还有明天。也以为自己已经尽了最大的努力,过着疯狂的日子。现在,回头看一看,还是觉得不够疯狂,不够精彩。可,疯狂和精彩又是什么?人不疯狂枉少年!!! 这是我的座右铭。 你看我好,我看你好~我的疯狂看在我的眼里,不是什么,看在别人眼里,那是令人羡慕的。我也羡慕别人。那些我羡慕的,我学着自己达成。可能不完全相同,但也是一种成就。 我是满足的,可,我不会停下。问自己:努力燃烧自己是为了什么?那是因为不要有遗憾。 如果放开一切,不理所有的世俗眼光,不理自己那被教育的思想,我会去哪里?我常常会想起一个抛下一切,不停流浪的朋友。我羡慕她,但不想学她 。我不能忍受没有“家”的感觉,也不能忍受一辈子在流浪。 哦,生日~是成长让我不再觉得特别,但我学会珍惜/活着的精彩。

(~I wish I have~)

"Where are we going now?" "Don't know, where do you want to go?" "I want to see xxxx" "Alright, we go xxx"   I was in the PC fair. While I was walking out from the banquet hall (yes, they made us passed by all booths), I came across a "couple", a father and his lovely daughter. It was usual, but when I heard on how they talk to each other. I was surprised that the father talked to his daughter, just like a guy talks to his girl friend (I even turned to check on them - yes, a father and his daughter). He talked so softly, relaxed, patient and with some humour. Okay, not all guys talk like this to his girl friend. But, he might be exceptional. Anyway, I seldom heard a kid expresses their thoughts to their parents so directly, and parents talk to their children as if they are friends - without pressure and instructive words. Suddenly, I had a thought. If I have a daughter and she has a father like him, she would be the happiest ...

Kiki's Delivery

Yesterday I watched this anime again. The last time I watched was many years back. Love the music very much.


静静的按下电源开关 屏幕的色彩越来越亮 在虚拟的城市找一个 让心灵休息的地方 塑胶的键盘滴答发响 机器的声音温柔呼唤 抛弃了不完美的肉身 跃出了现实的天窗 张开透明翅膀 朝着月亮飞翔 搜寻最美一个 现世的天窗 越过世界尽头 跟随我的预感 乘着幻想的风 散落无数的光芒 高速的连线传送思想 跳跃的文字透露愿望 安慰的话比亲密拥抱 仿佛更真实的触感 屏幕的色彩依旧发亮 机器的声音继续呼唤 在网路的海洋找不到 让欲望躲藏的地方 神秘的通道即将开放 渴望的心情兴奋不安 抛弃了太疲倦的肉身 越出了现实的天窗 张开透明翅膀 朝着月亮飞翔 搜寻最美一个 现世的天堂 飞过夜的尽头 拥抱你的温暖 乘着幻想的风 散落无数的光芒 王菲 - 光之翼


放任心思 无限的飘 载着我快乐妄想 翻过重山 掠过海洋 我世界没有框框 多少爱情 行色迷乱 看的我一脸仓惶 真情没入 庸扰人海 心消耗 伤怀却不断 谁与我远远的漫步云端 在靠近太阳的地方住下 能掩耳不听那俗事喧嚣 要一种真正的自由自在 愿与你远远的漫步云端 美丽穹苍为我们铺展 别让心房沾惹尘埃 要一种乾净的相爱 **爱上一首歌**


参加了几个旧同学的喜宴,看着他们幸福的表情,哦,找寻“幸福”真的很简单,并不是想象中的难。 而我的幸福是什么?每个人要求的幸福不一样。我的幸福却很模糊。工作,生活,家人,呵呵,那是我拥有的幸福。找个可以一起分享一切的另一半,就会更幸福吧 :) 我问:他们怎样断定那就是他们要的另一半,他们所追寻的生活?婚姻只是一个开始。真的需要勇气才能做这样的决定吧! 我告诉自己:幸福还真不是自动降临的啊。还真的需要去追求,然后付出努力和时间。  我看啊,那难可能就是捆着自己的心魔吧。 哦 我还是继续听我的王菲,看我的败犬,弹我的第二届星光大道金曲。


昨天,躺在床上,听着王菲入睡。这CD里有我最爱的专辑——只爱陌生人和寒武纪。 自从搬进这间屋子,我好久没有好好的听她的歌。 阿修罗在耳际响起,那是我喜欢的歌之一。听着听着,突然想起了那篇我为这首歌而写的短篇小说。哦,原来我曾写过这么一篇小说!那时,我是多么爱爬格子。真的,很爱。是怎么放弃了呢? 这首歌还是一样,这歌词,总让我感触良多。歌词里,我看到的是恨。 “情愿两个人不快活 也要一起生活 我们做过什么 怎么 怎么 莫非你是阿修罗 享受哀艳的战火 将玻璃鞋也击破 都不愿看破”  那时的我,想到的是我的父母。 “王子 小王子 为什么 访客们都是路过 为何要 主人难过 发生了什么 怎么 怎么 情愿一起沉没 也不欣赏泡沫” 现在的我,看到的是想要爱,却不得不放弃的伤痛。(除了小王子,还有美人鱼啊)

de last day @ Kuching

This morning I woke up quite early (not as early as when I need to work), it was 8.30am. Packed my luggage, I was thinking to go out for a walk at the riverfront n take the sampan to another side of the river. The floor was wet outside. There was some rains i think. It was fresh walking outside after the rain. Everything looked lively. Some kids passed by me, one of them suddenly sang in Chinese 老鼠爱大米.... and then they all burst in laughs. I turned and smiled at them. This was not the first time I met kids like that here. Yesterday, I was shotting some photos. A gang of four suddenly postured in front of me, hahahaha I shot them. They are future models. There was also kids passing by me and said "halo, moi"..... Finally I got into a sampan. 40 cents a ride. The old man rowed the sampan away from the jetty and then he pulled a string - the motor brooooooooommmmmmm, and the sampan moved across the river. A little girl kept her eyes on my camera, when I was shotting some pho...

Kuching 没有猫的猫城

This is a city with a lot of cats statues. Real cat? I haven't seen one yet. Went here last Thursday. It rains everyday. Cold. Like I have predicted, I was tired and I didn't feel good. Tried to enjoy, and I did, sometimes. Trapped in the blues, self-reflected these few days and tried to figure out what had happened and why I felt like that. I would like to let go. I want to find a solution. But, the only solution I can think of is to forgive/ at least forget. (The best way to forget is to get a nice sleep) Annie drove us around the city, passed by the only toll here. She was proud of it - many tolls in KL, they have only one ... Get it? gagagaga We got into a street - some people will call it Chinatown, which I don't agree with. This China street, with a lot of shops. They sell all kinds of souvenirs. We couldn't stop ourselves from shopping at these shops.... This happened when all are girls (gender bias, am I) Anyway, today it was my 3rd day here. I'm...

erm,it's .... not what i think

Watched the Time Traveler's Wife last Wednesday. Have had very high expectation, as the book is great! Anyway, someone told me not to expect things. It will always turn up as "not what you think". Right, and I'm really disappointed on the movie. My sister told me what to expect, is movie, only 2 hours. Hmmnn...

The Time Traveler's Wife~Book Discussion

It's fun to think about the following questions..... Discussion Questions from the Publisher In The Time Traveler's Wife , the characters meet each other at various times during their lifetime. How does the author keep all the timelines in order and "on time"? Although Henry does the time traveling, Clare is equally impacted. How does she cope with his journeys and does she ultimately accept them? How does the writer introduce the reader to the concept of time travel as a realistic occurrence? Does she succeed? Henry's life is disrupted on multiple levels by spontaneous time travel. How does his career as a librarian offset his tumultuous disappearances? Why does that job appeal to Henry? Henry and Clare know each other for years before they fall in love as adults. How does Clare cope with the knowledge that at a young age she knows that Henry is the man she will eventually marry? The Time Traveler's Wife is ultimately an enduring love s...

爱情之所以为爱情 - 梁静茹

买CD 把你的声音丢在角落 看电影 到结局总是配角的错 你要的故事 让你去说 我要的生活 我好好过 写日记 写不出是谁的感受 夜空里 每个人占有一个星座 你到底懂不懂 我只要一点温热的触碰 你到底懂不懂 有些话并不是一定要说 你总说爱情之所以为爱情是用来挥霍 你总是漫不在乎 当我看着自己的稀薄 你编织的感觉难以捉摸 你比我的梦境还困惑 我看见爱情之所以为爱情 谁都在挥霍 我想的天长地久 也许只是时间的荒谬 我沉迷的感动与你不同 我的了解让我自由 一场雨 有时候下得不是时候 就像你 说难过不是真的难过 你到底懂不懂 我只要一个安稳的等候 你到底懂不懂 想你想得好像 空气都停了 你总说爱情之所以为爱情是用来挥霍 你总是漫不在乎 当我看着自己的稀薄 你编织的感觉难以捉摸 你比我的梦境还困惑 我看见爱情之所以为爱情 谁都在挥霍 我想的天长地久 也许只是时间的荒谬 我沉迷的感动与你不同 我的了解让我自由 你总说爱情之所以为爱情是用来挥霍 你总是漫不在乎 当我看着自己的稀薄 你编织的感觉难以捉摸 你比我的梦境还困惑 我看见爱情之所以为爱情 谁都在挥霍 我想的天长地久 也许只是时间的荒谬 我沉迷的感动与你不同 我的了解让我自由 我沉迷的感动与你不同 我的了解 让我自由

LOVE Beijing

My first impression on Beijing is the strong wind. I hardly made my steps in such " violent " wind. My friends and I were fighting with the wind  while walking back to our apartment. If we are lucky enough to be on the same direction of where the wind blow to, gagagaga, imagine, we walk faster than usual with its help. The weather in Beijing is unpredictable, sunny and foggy, sunny and windy, cloudy and windy................. a lot of varieties ... hmnnnn Beijing is awesome. For someone like me, who has grown up and live in the city and desired on something which is more cultural, traditional and natural, Beijing is just my place. It is modern and old. The public transport system, subway and buses are very well connected. Cheap and efficient. You will never wait for more than 15 minutes or wait endlessly. Most foreigners might find the city not friendly as the people can't speak well English. (maybe they don't need to, btw most of the tourists are Chinese- from Ch...

Now I know

I don't know that lovers who love each other so much are able to hurt each other so badly, when love turns into hatred. Now I know, I know how it hurts. I told myself, it has no point to hurt the person you love, as he/she is the one you are in love and care with. (Don't hurt with words, don't hurt by testing him/her, don't hurt with manipulation etc....) Sometimes, we are just too emotional and forget that he/she is a human who just like you and me. What I don't like, he/she doesn't like it neither. Love would not continue exist, if one's do not accept who he/she is. For love to grow, ones needs to forgive, accept, tolerant and respect he/she, vice versa.

Exciting Journey

It was a scary but exciting journey. yes, to morib. Never been in morib, don't know where is it and how to get to there. This time, I drove alone. My team members did not come with me. They will travel on their own... I hope they don't get lost somewhere. I can't help (devil...) I was so glad that I made it. Actually I got a google map with me, it brought me into some small lanes of plantations - maybe is some shortcuts, but I was so helpless at the time. There was no road sign, no people. I should turn left into x x x road as shown on the map......I saw only palm trees. I tried my luck, followed my instinct and observation + a little bit of confidence, I managed to spot a little signboard. Driving on a long straight road, without anything to recognize along. Few cars passed by. Very quiet road. I knew if I took a wrong direction, I would be nowhere. Finally, with the trust, I got into Jenjarom town. Hooray!! I really enjoyed the little adventure, hahaha is challe...


忙碌的时候,所有的人、物和事都不重要了。就连心情,我的脑也管不了。 可是,忙碌后,当心里承受的压力,超越脑容量(人类正常运用的脑容量应该是<10%),压力就会引发低落的心情。那是一种想呐喊的心情! 我的伤痛成了一种并发症。此时此刻,并发症趁机侵略我。伤痛撕裂我的脸,我的人生似乎可以分成两半。我的两种性格,可以并肩站在一起,欣赏对方的嘲笑声。 握着我的心,不停的打和骂,哭不出来也憋不下去。只有不停的捶打,直到开了一个大洞,可以让那个我跳下去,或许就解决了。 忘记那个我,怨恨那个我。 如果那个我可以就此消失,我会放过现在这个我吗?


Lately, I ate dinner late. Few days ago around 8.30pm and today was 9 sth ... Hmmnnnn, it is really bad for my stomach. Had gastric pain when I was in primary. Tried to eat on time for ages, and now, for the sack of finishing the works before go Beijing....erm hehe extend my stay for travelling, my gastric pain resume. I can't eat a lot during lunch time. I eat little and frequent meals. I get hungry after 2- 2 and half  hours of a meal, which mean around 5pm, I get hungry when office hour ends. All my snacks finished few months ago. I still can't get a time to buy it.... erm I wonder should I have all my time tie to works. I'll get over the curse soon after coming back from Beijing. Erm... I'm really feeling uncomfortable right now... I hope I'll really no need to OT after Beijing... (but look at my schedule, it's full until 2nd week of December. Oh SOS!!!! Stress is going to kill me!!!!!!

Testing Testing

hey friends, am testing the function of sending email to friends when i publish a post.... TESTIN1 2 3 一二三 三二一 if you received do drop a comment.....

Yesterday and Today

Yesterday I just mentioned that my love on the works. OT, because of too much works, but still bearable. But, within a day, so much changes today. I feel terrible today. The works are pending, no one seems wanna work. Things happen, seniors still bullied the new comer. A lot of things, I want to talk to someone, but I can't. Haihhh, things go complicated....

Over time

Recently I stay at the office after work so frequently. Not in hurry, e.g. rushing to another job or getting home. Going to Beijing soon, erm, there are a lot of works not settle yet. 3 training of trainers, 2 follow-up events, budget and programme planning, endless correspondences, MAC grant proposals, MAC reports, MYSOR reports, annual budget programme, internal annual report, online report, annual work plan and budget for MYSOR, standard progress report....... And there are 2 more months to go before new year comes. Anyway, year ends but works never end. I think boss might like me very much, as I work hard, hard ... and is still hard. Oh, I'm not complaining, I'm just like my job very much. I have my passion and I'm energetic. What a waste if I did not contribute (spend my energy in a more useful and effiecient ways)? OKay, I will be killed by family and best friends, if they read this. (I'll be questioning why I spend my energy on working?) Anyway, I enjoy travel. M...

你呀 你呀

所有电话接出去外太空 下午两点钟 你 在不在城中 我带着一张陌生的脸孔 行人汹涌 流泪并没有用 仰望天空才有飞的冲动 你 给的只是梦 我早应该想通 朋友说失恋的人力大无穷 扛所有痛 还要面带笑容 你 呀 放不下 你 呀 飞不动 你 的爱压得好重 我撑得快发疯 飞 呀 就让我飞 呀 别起哄 不必告诉我没空 反正 你 只是观众 一个人在家旧回忆围拢 我仿佛一只蛹 闷得快要发疯 谁听到我勇敢的对 你 怒吼 给我天空 我会找到彩虹 你 呀 放不下 你 呀 飞不动 你 的爱曾经感动 此刻还是剧终 飞 呀 就让我飞 呀 超时空 我再不问 你 的行踪 反正我也是观众

A piece of mind

I used to draw birds. I drew birds. Birds from legends, encyclopedia, my imagination and memories. Then, I stopped drawing one day. Why did I? I realized that they are carnivore (I know they are, but I ignore it). So, I drew horse. I tried to draw horses with human face. Horse which turns into a human, that's awesome. But, I didn't succeed. One day, I gave up drawing. Maybe there is a reason. I just can't remember anymore.

My beloved Student

I met him since he was 10.. taught him for more than 8 years? He is smart and charming. Haha, he likes dancing, know some sports and music. Oh yeah, some chinese as well, can speak, erm fluently? I doubt that ... such a long time he did not practice. Of course, all of all, that's because he is from a "good" background (he got more and better chances of exposure) and he is willing to put effort into what he is interested in. Anyway, he is the one who always care about my future especially ganjiong on my mr. right. Always, pressure me to get one. gagagaga Without notice, he is an young adult now and has prepared to fly, in achieving a higher stage of life. Yesterday, I went farewell with him. Got him a scarf with light orange and white strips. I think it really suits him well. He was leaving to UK for degree study. He thanked me for teaching him so many years. I joked that he should score 4.0 in each semester. His mum warned him that she would withdraw him fr UK if he didn...


Do you hear me, I'm talking to you Across the water across the deep blue ocean Under the open sky oh my, baby I'm trying Boy I hear you in my dreams I feel your whisper across the sea I keep you with me in my heart You make it easier when life gets hard I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend Lucky to have been where I have been Lucky to be coming home again They don't know how long it takes Waiting for a love like this Every time we say goodbye I wish we had one more kiss I'll wait for you I promise you, I will I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend Lucky to have been where I have been Lucky to be coming home again I'm lucky we're in love in every way Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed Lucky to be coming home someday And so I'm sailing through the sea To an island where we'll meet You'll hear the music fill the air I'll put a flower in your hair Though the breezes through trees Move so pretty you're all I see...

Fly Away

这一次是我自己为自己下的决定 很小心你说慢慢来别怕来不及 如果我还有一点点不安或者迟疑 我不会对你的反应那么好奇 多远啊其实也很不愿意 其实也不想回忆 谁没等到错过了流星 我们啊交集在这意外的假期 一定那里见过你一定曾经梦见你 fly away 无穷无尽是你深邃的眼睛 看着你就可以让我茫茫人海里感到安定 fly away 当我不顾一切无止尽追寻 有一个人有一颗心才仅默默之中在那里 这一次连我自己都说我毫不悔意 爱上你终于我发现我还有勇气 为你我觉得遗憾的是我不够自信 不了解你说了一些话的用意 几乎是所有时间在想你 快乐之后是压抑 有没有过这样的呼吸 幸福啊只要一个眼神的交集 我们拥抱着自己我们渴望着相遇 fly away 当我不顾一切无止尽追寻 是你的人是你的心日日夜夜陪我在这里

All I ask of You

No more talk of darkness, Forget these wide-eyed fears. I'm here, nothing can harm you - my words will warm and calm you. Let me be your freedom, let daylight dry -your tears. I'm here, with you, beside you, to guard you and to guide you . . . Say you love me every waking moment, turn my head with talk of summertime . . . Say you need me with you , now and always . . . promise me that all you say is true - that's all I ask of you . . . Let me be your shelter Let me be your light You' re safe: No-one will find you Your fears are far behind you... All I want is Freedom a world with no more night and you always beside me to hold me and to hide me

Memoirs of Geisha

Read the book slowly, for quite some times. There are a lot of women rights and gender issues mentioned in the novel. Hahaha It's too obvious. I can easily identify the issues. So sensitive to it. Was exposed too much through my works.

突然接到一个很久没联络的朋友的电话。谈了一阵,想起很多年前,我曾经和他一起讨论过“爱”。那时,我常常问:爱是什么?经过一番争辩,我们都赞成爱和喜欢不同。哈哈哈,好简单的结论。 经过很多年的思考,爱有很多种。父母,孩子,姐妹,朋友之间的也可以是爱。定义广了,也更模糊。 今天有人给了我爱的定义。他说,他不能定义爱,但他能定义(确定)他爱的人。他以他爱的人来诠释爱。

Thoughts @ ICAAP

1) It was my 5th day at Bali. The conference was great. It gave me some times to think about the project that I am currently handling and some ideas on where the project should direct to and how to work on it. I couldn't have done that if I continue to stay at the office. Too much works and I was doing for the sake of finishing it. 2) I met an American lady at the conference when waiting bus at the drop-off place. Yeah, another American lady... She is lovely and talkative. She works at Hanoi, Vietnam and has been working there for more than 10 years. She told me a lot about her life, from internship at Fiji, studying at Uni Hawaii, working at Thailand, Switzerland, so on ...... and how she met her husband. She said a lady like her, who is so independent and mobilize, would not think of marriage or meeting a guy. Unexpected, she met her husband at Vietnam, who was working there too. The most wonderful part was that her husband came from the same area as she was. Just few years ago,...

I just want to leave

I always thinking to run away when I face the problem that I can't solve. Anyway, it's just some thoughts. I never do so. May be I'm too naive, I just can't believe the people can be so fake. (I think they have used to it.) At this moment, they are blaming you for something. But, after a moment, they smile to you and ask for your favour. They are like the evening weather.... The organisation does not share a common vision. They try to get rid of each other. They afraid and kiasu that they are not getting the $$....... Why are they not getting the $$? The reason is not about whether they are part of the process or not. They really should think about it. I was not so happy today, facing those fake people at the workshop. I wondered our works, done by all these people would it really benefits the community? I don't know as I'm part of them. I am part of them and it makes me upset.


启程回归黄土,那是人生的另一道门。 这场戏让我想起了父亲。戏里主角与父亲30年里不曾相见,早已忘了父亲的样子。他一直不肯原谅抛弃他的父亲,可是又把和父亲的回忆牢牢的记在心里。 直到父亲去世了,他来到父亲的住所,见着了却认不得。在释怀的那一刻,才记起了当年父亲的模样。 戏外我与父亲不见7-8年了,对他的印象停留在那蓝色校裙上。我问自己:是不是要等到他百年后,才愿意见他?原谅他? 我的眼泪又掉了,在戏院里。


昨天发生了很多不愉快的事。幸好我有朋友兼同事的陪伴和关心。 这一路走来,遇到的人和事,这些人的虚伪,我一一看在眼里。 不想同流合污。可是,偏偏每天都要面对他们。 刚开始,我天真的以为,只要忍一忍,走一步见一步,心存善意就会见到如来。 不过,想要维新,还真不容易呢。 终究,自尊心和自信心破损,变成可怜的唠叨鬼。 妹妹曾说过一段恋人的故事给我听。有一对恋人,女的很忙,常常在公司加班到深夜;男的为了她的安全,也为了和她有更多的时间相处,常常会陪伴这女的加班。男的只是静静地,在一旁做自己的事。 这样的男生,我绝得非常难得。他愿意为了她付出宝贵的时间,有多少个能做到呢。 可,我没想到我也有这样的机会,让一个男生陪我在公司加班。两件事的原委不一样,可是,这样的陪伴,足以让我感动。因为啊,像我这般坚毅的女生,有多少个男生觉得有这个必要呢?殊不知,坚强的女生比一般人更需要关怀。 刚刚一封很长的短讯,让我感动了好久。 一连两次的感动,该怎么办呢?眼浅的我被他弄哭了。 字句里的支持和哲理,虽然很一般,我向来都很明白,只是从来没有人这样正面的告诉我。 身为长女,我从小到大都表现的很懂事。这些哲理,大家都认为我不需要被告知。 我学会了,都被我用来安慰朋友了。 这份感动,我会记在心里。 人生吗,就是由这些小小细腻的感动组成的。

Believe in Myself

I want to believe in myself - no matter what other people tell me, no matter what they say. thinking too much has always been my problem. Sometimes, it is good - it gives me another minute of thought before action. But sometimes, I lose a chance of moving forward. I think a lot, probably because I do no believe in myself. I always doubt on myself - and today I read it on newspaper - people who head towards maturity - will always doubt on her/his own decision and values. Erm, could it be? I'm too matured? gagagaga I doubt so... If I do not care what the people think, and what they feel, probably I'll be more successful.


Finally, after long struggle, I've decided to drop the twins. I had been teaching them for almost 1 year. They didn't improve at all. Their only task in the lesson was to make me angry and get away from the tuition. All the lessons ended up with anger and I was overwhelmed by frustration. I'm a result-oriented person and always clear about what I want to do and look for ways to achieve it. I've been forgiving them again and again after what they've done to me. It seems like their parents have pampered them too much. The twins give all kinds of excuses to explain why they make me angry. The parents will call me and explain on behalf of them. Then, they will apologize with sms and I will have lesson with them. Again, they will do something to make me angry. 80% of the lessons ended up unhappily and without any learning result. I'm happy ~ finally I'm released.


今天,我以为该解决的事终于可以了结了。 可是,这事情解决后,还有更多的事要更改。 现在正在绞尽脑汁,想解决方案。 才发现,自己很累。 然后我发现周围的景物都模糊一片--- 一阵忧郁的雾气飘进了我的心里。


我特别喜欢下着细雨的天空。这片浅蓝且带点灰的天空,一定要有绿树和草地陪衬。徐徐微风与叶捎起舞。望着那被雨水洗涤过的叶子和草-这鲜绿为我的心灵带来了无限的欢欣和宁静。 突然想起那一池的荷花。我正乘坐巴士去湄公河。进入高速公路前,这圆圆的浮叶伴着朵朵粉红色的荷花,在没有得到我的允许下侵入了我的眼帘,驻扎在我的右脑里。从此他选择不离开。 有很多美好的回忆发生在一瞬间。喀嚓一声,储存在脑海里。雨后的太平湖,傍晚的太平湖~实在太美了。一直想回去,走在湖畔,看一看那些水仙。可惜,一直没有机会。我想:或许就任她去吧,回忆永远是最美的。 我喜欢他总是为我带来快乐。可是我们相隔了十万八千里。如果他早一点出现在我的时间里......如果。我想:或许就因为不曾拥有,那才是最美的。可是,。。。。。。 最近思考着一个问题~和CT一样的问题。我还年轻,可以等,还有很多机会~吗?这真是一个很笨的想法。不论是爱情和事业,都不能等待。有机会就得捉紧,爱上一个人就要告诉他。我的理智要我这么做,我的胆怯把我推离。常常被人问,你还在等什么? 拿爱情来说,爱上了,却没勇气。可是另一把声音却告诉我,你要活在当下,活在没有明天的日子~如果没有明天,我会告诉他吗? 梁静茹的如果。


雨把风介绍了给我,说风爱音乐而且喜欢旅行。 见过一面,觉得风不像雨说的那样感性。 风,反而让我想起我的一个同学。他很能干出色,而且很会做生意。 哈哈,或许不应该再以貌取人。 有一天,风突然在面簿加我了。所以,探望了风的落脚处。 才发现,风的落脚处藏着我最喜欢的音乐和动画。还有很多旅记。 这一天,我发现找到了一个知音人。很开心。 谢谢雨介绍了风啦。几时介绍海给我认识啊?


这是六月,所以应该讲讲父亲的故事。 父亲,真的是一个很陌生的名词。“爸爸”曾经是两个很沉重的字。和他一起生活的时候,我根本不能把爸爸叫出口。 有时候,想起和他一起相处的时光,我会觉得快乐。但,大部分的时间,我都忘不了他伤害我母亲的,那副丑陋的样子。 我的驾驶技术很好。我想有部分是他的功劳。我在他的叱骂中练习驾驶。也因为他,我们被逼搬到一个很小的屋子。停车的地方很狭窄,所以我学会了侧停和倒退停车。如今是驾轻就熟。 这段日子,出席了很多关于家庭暴力的演讲会。我对家暴有更深的了解。才知道母亲的家暴从一开始嫁给他就已经开始了。从每天对她说:你是笨的,你没读过书,你什么都不会,到他发生外遇被她发现时威胁她,然后不让她结识朋友,再对她大呼小叫~变本加厉。最后各形式的家暴,我想她都尝过了。所以我更不能原谅他。 然后,我了解到女人都喜欢忍耐和原谅,即使被残忍地对待。而他,没有学过珍惜和体谅。认识了gender后,我更了解个中原因~那是不平等的男女传统观念。 曾经我很喜欢星期日。这对我和妹妹们是个很重要的日子。因为他会回来带我和母亲,还有妹妹们去吃丰富的早餐。从小时候,欢天喜地的等他回来,到长大后,心不甘情不愿的和他出去吃。 读大学前,突然领悟到~母亲如果不离开他,可能就不能幸福了。所以,当情况越来越恶劣,我支持母亲向他提出分居离婚。 还记得,有一天,他载我回家的时候,他说如果我不支持,他就会给我买一辆kancil...... 对父亲的记忆,就只有这些。其他的都是恐惧和生气。

Back from Vietnam ~ a lot more to say

Four days in HCMC was fun! The first lesson I learned was not to trust taxi driver. The second lesson was to cross the road without checking right and left. I crossed as if there were no bikes and cars. The third lesson was never bargain unless you like to buy and must possess the goods. I was scolded by the staller when I found that the selling price was too high even after discount. The 4th lesson was to ask the price and bargain when you want to take a taxi, pay for a tour, buy bus tickets etc. They charged two price 1) local 2) foreigner. After 10 days in Vietnam, The best way to travel in Vietnam is go with a vietnamese friend. The 2nd is to travel with friend who knows vietnamese. The least effective way is to travel Vietnam with experienced travellers. Gagagaga...I am one of them (who had been cheated few times), I believe I can help you~

1st day in Ho Chi Minh

Dear Friends, first day.... I was on my way to the LCCT airport with my beloved sister, Elle. So exciting. We reached there around 4.20pm and rushing to check in before counter closed at 4.55pm. Finally we were at the counter. The receptionist told us, "Your passport is 3 months to expire! We can't proceed your check-in"...... What!!!??? My sister had forgotten to check her passport's expiry date. There was no other way, except renew the passport now. Gosh, what could we do? We went to the service counter. We wanted to change the flight to tomorrow. The officer told us that we could not change within 24 hours and the flight ticket would be forfeited if she did not aboard. He suggested Elle to renew passport and buy tomorrow's flight ticket. Finally, I got to Ho Chi Minh by myself. Everything was fine and easy until I reached the Tan Son Nhat Airport. When I stepped out from the airport, I could not see any airport bus/buses. Then a taxi driver approached me ...


I think I made another mistake again. To hurt by someone ~ unnecessary. I could have avoid it from happened. But still, I was too stubborn to believe it could happen again. I knew that I would regret after all and feel upset. Why did I let it happen? Why didn't I run away from it? The choice was up to me. Is that because the hurting is part of the sweetness? And I expected it. I still wanted it. I think I'm insane.

可爱的 朋友

昨天看见他上网,忍不住把我的疑问告诉了他。哈哈,真的很傻,这么久的事了,他怎么记得呢?而且还是这么无关痛痒的事。如果被问的人是我,我也会觉得很奇怪。 不过,看见他在msn上回答我的tag,还真让我开心呢-哈哈喜欢这种感觉。有人回应的感觉,呵呵不会孤单呢。 今天被另一个朋友说我们恶心,什么恶心嘛,是温馨。哈哈,她其实也很“恶”,不然不会插上一脚,所谓物以类聚 嘿嘿


最近,常常想起一个朋友。以前时常会和他见面,一起看戏吃饭唱k。然后,突然的,他就从我的生活消失了。给他sms,他没回。从朋友那儿,也问不到什么。不知为什么,他就这样不见了。从我的生活圈子消失。为什么不打电话给他呢?我试过,没接。可,我也不敢再打-因为曾经打给他,却留下了不美好的回忆。所以干脆只用sms联络。 偶尔想起他和我说起的计划-那些旅行计划,我很想,但我不敢-因为我不敢想,他为什么要和我一起去旅行?或许他提的不是时候,我刚从国外回来。 也会想起唱k时,他瞄我的眼睛。很想问他为什么这样瞄我-是不是我唱得太难听?也记得,和他一起飙歌的时候~偶尔会唱的很合拍。 这也已经是陈年往事。以上我所想的-可能不是他所感觉的。不然,为什么我对他印象这么深?直到现在还影响着我,他却不再和我保持联络。


从来就没有拒绝人的习惯,尤其是那些我在乎的人。无论发生什么事,我都会尽可能给与他们协助。无论要求什么,如果我办得到,我一定做。或许因为对这些人坦坦荡荡的,如果对方又一副不在乎的样子,我心里会特别难过。没有保留的付出是我最大的弱点。 有时我觉得这可能是一种惩罚。惩罚我对那些我不在乎的人的冷淡。 已经不记得被遗弃了多少次。如果我为自己多保留一点,就不会在乎被遗弃的次数了。

The Reader

I watched The Reader this afternoon. At first, I was finding it difficult to understand, because it did not make any sense to me. Hanna was always angry with him on small things, often throwing her tantrum on him. Did she really love the kid? Why did she leave the kid? Everything made sense - when the movie came to the middle. She was ashamed of her illiteracy and jealous on girls who can read and write. She could work very well by executing instructions. Without instructions, she felt that she could not work and don't know how to work. The Kid - finally grew into a man. He was still the Kid who loved her and could not forgive her for leaving him of "no reason". He doubted on the reason of her being with him. He refused to visit her before she was charged. After years, he divorced. Suddenly, he started reading her stories by sending her the tapes. Why did he made the tapes for her after years? I cried when he read and taped stories for her. Why did he do this to her? He ...


上一次本来打算和朋友去太平度假。哪里知道临时被“遗弃”了。没有办法,我了解他们的事比这个更重要。也幸好没去成,不然那突如其来的工作就不能完成了。 对,我就是那个连放假也要做工的家伙!无论如何经过一番的耕耘,必定会有收获的。我相信就在不远的将来。 就这样忙忙碌碌的,今天终于享受了一个休闲但充实的一天。 嘿嘿,我和友人一大早到布城看热气球-风和日丽,现场也很热闹,我还遇见朋友呢。然后到cheras吃早餐-终于吃到了已经很久没吃到的点心。再到谷中城看了一场电影。 中午就到茨厂街吃了出名的云吞面。还到中央艺术坊逛一逛,看中了一些东西,但没买-那儿的东西实在太贵了。最后,观赏一处关于缅甸难民在马来西亚的纪录片。学了很多,也重新定义什么是人权?什么是珍惜? 回到家-累了,但从来没有如此满足愉快。


最近看了几套Oscar入选电影,包括7pounds,changeling和benjamin button。 changeling 那个母亲非常坚强,直到最后都不放弃相信她的孩子还活着。 7pounds 不敢相信一个前途光明的人,竟然为了一个错误,内疚而用身体作出补偿。然后遇见,再重新爱上,最后牺牲自己让所爱的人恢复自由。剧情虽然老土,可是拍摄手法严肃。 不仅让你想起每天忙忙碌碌到底为了什么,当失去所爱的人,你要用什么去补偿内心的失落呢。和他一般勇敢地用自己的器官补偿吗?用时间去调查你要帮助的人是不是好人?好人的标准是什么?你又怎样断定这个好人在不久的将来不会像你一般犯错呢? 在你学会珍惜的时候,你才会碰见最爱的人吧。 Benjamin button 时间会流逝,外貌会改变。只有爱一个人的灵魂,才能永恒。灵魂和一个人的性情是否相联?现代的人知道怎样爱一个人的灵魂吗?


感谢juniors带给我的快乐。我的幸福list又增加了几个。嘿嘿特别是为我剥虾壳、为我烤肉、与我分享食物的学弟学妹们!!!(敬老嘛·······还是该改口叫朋友算了,叫你们学妹学弟的把我变老了。嘻嘻) 我很感动呢。 三菱,你烤的肉我还要哦! 娑娑,你剥的虾特别好吃。 未干,我还记得你和我一人一半的muachi。 还有,鸿你清唱王菲的歌~~那是一大享受类! 你们都递我喜欢吃的食物,好贴心啊。 虽然我看起来很强,但是还是希望有人照顾我。谢谢啊。下次轮到我为你们烤肉剥虾壳咯! 如果我没说出口,不代表我不感动,不感激。所以啊,需要帮忙,请找我,我一定帮到底的。哈哈哈还一虾一肉之恩。


到登嘉楼出差了一个星期。每一天工作完毕后,就和朋友兼同事打打闹闹的,到各处玩耍。对,是玩耍。嘿嘿都不小了,还玩得像个小朋友似的,非常开心。 同时,想起了幸福的定义,还有遇到的一些人和事,当然还有家人。 很小的时候,幸福的定义是爸爸每天工作回来后,带我乘车兜风。还有妈妈煮我最喜欢吃的食物和为我办的生日派对。 在长大一些,幸福的定义是爸爸送的一只软绵绵的“鸭子“。妈妈每天陪我和妹妹们到公园骑铁马,玩滑梯和秋千,还有打羽毛球。 后来的后来,幸福的定义是妈妈给我的自由和放纵。所以我才可以无所顾忌的做我想做的事。那时,幸福的定义还包括和死党们到处冒险探索和玩乐。当然,还有看到自己喜欢的人。 现在可以让我觉得幸福的事更多更简单了。 递我一碗热腾腾的糖水或饮料 为我剥虾壳 帮我挑鱼骨 给我一个拥抱 我的手冰冷时,握着我的手 在我需要一双耳朵时,听我说话 说一个让我笑到肚子疼/飙眼泪的笑话 生日时,生日歌,蛋糕,祝福 一个问候 为我剥蕉皮 和朋友一起欢笑 你几时回到家 看了一套感人的电影 问我累了吗 一起出外游玩 海浪,海风,云,阳光,星星 大树的树枝长进了云霄 下雨的时候,还有雨后的空气 除草后的草香 帮我脱下外套/穿上外套 和我一起分享我喜欢的歌 吃饱后,递我一张面纸 走在一个陌生的国度,遇见友善的人 第二篇 享受了五天的长假,见了很多老朋友。十二月,至一月 佳节气氛处处飘扬呢。 我又回想了很多。 上面所列的幸福事项,若能为某些人做,自己也会觉得幸福。


最近忙得有点头昏脑涨。从新年放假回去工作的那一天起,一直在忙碌中度过。白天正职,傍晚忙于兼职。晚上回到家后,匆匆吃晚餐,然后又继续工作。就连周六日也一样忙碌,除了工作还是工作。(嘿嘿,问我为什么这么勤劳兼职?问吧 ) 常常只睡5-6个小时。这对我来讲真是折磨。因为我的头脑需要八个小时的休息才能正常运作。而且,我已经很久没有运动了。 可是,若真的给我8个小时,我却又因为习惯6点多起床,而常常在这个时候醒来。醒来后,往往只能再睡1个小时。 这般忙碌,反而让我更加珍惜时间。争取每一刻的私房时光,做自己喜欢的事:阅读、与家人相聚用餐、与朋友约会旅行交谈、上网找旅游资料准备行程、听歌等。就是不睡觉。 不为什么,只因为怕时间走了。 若我真的累了,才上床睡,一趟就睡着了。 去旅行休息或许更适合我吧!所以,嘿嘿。。。。。已经安排了三月到太平一游来削减压力,顺便休息。 不知怎么的,别人忙碌起来驾车鲁莽横冲直撞。我忙碌起来,反而驾车异常小心,非常安稳。一路享受风景,平安到家。也因此竟然常常看见不常见的鸟儿。有盘旋飞翔的老鹰,有呈箭头状往一个方向飞的群鸟,还有鸟妈妈带着鸟宝宝一前一后的飞,和孤独前行的长腿鸟叔叔。 哈哈哈看的我很是欢喜。


前几天下班回家时,我听到一首歌,歌词里有“代价”这两个字。不知怎么的,一路上思绪就一直围绕在“代价”。 代价啊,无论做什么事情,都要付出代价。努力完成一件事,所用的时间和心力,是代价吗?是成功的代价。就连幸福,也需要付出代价,投进许多心思、耐心、爱心等。不过,同样的,无论是成功或者幸福,付出多少不代表得回同等的回报。 可是有些事,我们就是愿意用无限的代价去得到,哪怕是赔钱的回报。不管试多少次,总会对这些看似不会成功的事抱着希望。(这就是人可怕,也是可爱的地方。) 或许不应该看终点,而是看过程。如果付出代价的过程,让我们有无限的满足。把这些满足收集起来,就可以拿来当筹码以交换赔钱的回报。如果得到的回报不赔钱,那么得到的回报就是双倍的。如此,我们又得到了应付更多挑战的筹码,更有能力付出更多的代价。 是这样的吗?爱情呢?爱情不受这个代价的方程式控制。

Rose 玫瑰

我收到最多玫瑰、最多人的玫瑰的那一次,是我25岁生日的那一年。那一年的生日在国外度过。那儿的朋友喜欢送玫瑰给寿星。一人送你一枝,无论男女,最后集成一束。各种颜色的玫瑰插在花瓶里煞是漂亮。 每人一枝的玫瑰,没有华丽的包装,没有丝带或其他的花陪衬。那个夜晚,我拿着这些带刺的“新鲜”的玫瑰从一个庆祝会到另一个。拿着这些玫瑰要非常小心,这些刺可以把你的手刺出血来。可是,我不介意,他们简单直接的心意让我很感动。 p/s: 第一次收到的玫瑰花,我记得,也很感谢。 I had my 25-birthday in Europe with my friends. Each of them brought one rose for me, and it gathered into a bouquet of roses. The roses were colourful, and I was so touch with their ways of presenting the roses. The roses were fresh and "wild" with thorns on them. Not in any wrapper. Simple yet lovely. I brought the roses in bare hands to all the parties I attended that night, even though they could pierce my fingers. This was a night which I had the most roses and received from many people in my life.


Dear, I like Gustav Klimt so much. Met him in the secession building at Vienna, Austria .... love his paintings especially The Kiss and Beethoven Frieze. I feel love in The Kiss......

我就是这样 天马行空的磁场 或许你还不习惯 我在等你变成拍档 我就是这样 注定和你不一样 谢谢你欣不欣赏 我的风格是限量 摊开的手掌 柔软又刚强 (十指纤长 指尖藏着一鼓力量) 安静的目光 温柔却也狂放 (眼神明亮 有好多话想对你讲) 我独特的模样 是全新的信仰 温柔 倔强 勇敢 都是我 我拥有太多 不同基因 安静 吵闹 沉默 都是我 分钟 不同的颜色--> (刘力扬 - 我就是这样)

Unfortunate Incident

Xin Nian Kuai Le!!! Gong Xi FA CAi!!! Such a good first day of Chinese New Year, I was bitten by my own lovely dog!!!! He was terrified by the firecrackers and wanted to hide into the house. I was just back from a dinner with my best friends. Happily entering my house, and my sister was happened to preparing his water and asking my help. I carried his water bottles and put them back to their place. In a sudden, this smart dog opened the door with his head and ran into the house. Last few days, My mother had ordering us not to let him get into the house during CNY. She doesn't want him to dirty the house. So, I called him out for few times. But, he refused. MY sister then used his favourite food to attract him. He was not interested. My sister put the food in front of him, suddenly, he bit the food, and he got it. He was still in the house. While he was eating his food, I pushed him from his backside towards the door and tried to force him out from the house. In the nick of time, he...

ABC, 游乐场 和海

现在一看见这些东西,自然而然很开心。 1)任何的ABC都让我想起那天在三德学校附近吃的红豆冰。这红豆冰左看右看,根本就是ABC嘛。 唯一不同的是铺着很多豆豆。实在太美味了。真想再吃呢. 2)游乐场在我的童年占了多数的位置。想不到这么大了,还有机会在游乐场玩一番。不过没拍到照片,还真是可惜呢。现在看见,还真有一股冲动,想跑去跟小弟弟妹妹们抢秋千,荡一荡呢。 3)到瓜拉terengganu公干,还真是大玩特玩了一番。一向来对海都特别喜欢。如今,更忘不了东海岸的蓝蓝大海了。 把这些感受都写下来,或许就能永远记得吧。


整个12月都是工作天。没有时间为我的生日做一些回忆录。 拖到今天,已经是一月的下旬了。 这次的生日很难得的和家人和和气气,开怀大笑的吃了一餐韩国菜。我们实在太开心了,叫了很多的菜。除了烤肉 (还两碟嘞),还有年糕和面。拌菜还连添两次! 我想那帅帅的韩国仔一定在我们背后,说:这群女的还真会吃! 好不容易,把所有的菜肴都扫进肚子。只见服务生为每一桌结账的客人送上饭后果,天啊,不是吧。还要吃?我有生以来,吃的想进厕所催吐了。后来 ,不只有水果,贴心的服务生还送上韩国式的煎蛋,还有米水。哦,我们真的 看起来很会吃! 后来,韩国仔还在门口送我们离去,连声道谢。嘿嘿,我们实在太赏脸了,竟然没有剩下什么的。都是妹妹啰,说什么都不让我们浪费食物。感谢你哦,我看啊半年里,我的韩国餐都后会无期。 It is end of January now. Almost 2 months after my birthday. Finally, I got some time to write something about my birthday. My big day was in peace and warmth. I celebrated with my beloved family. They brought me to a Korean Restaurant and we had a big....really big dinner which I had to stuff everything into my stomach till I felt like vomiting. The handsome Korean guy must be giggling and said "I never seen girls eaten so much":) After two hours, *yeah we took 2 hours to finish all the food, the waiter suddenly appeared and gave us some more desserts and rice water. Gosh, I couldn't take anymore!!!!! Why are they giving us more food?...


Yesterday afternoon, I was driving back home after the Global Fund training. It was tiring.  And the piling up tasks would never let me rest. I tried to relax along the way home. It started raining like a shower. From my windscreen, I could not see the road properly. I drove carefully and slowly. As the rain turned into droplets, I finally got back to the road I used to pass through. There was a new traffic light at the cross junction. (good, it could reduce accidents and the drivers would drive slowly.) Came to the 2nd traffic light....When it turned green, I released my break n the car moved....Suddenly, the car in front of me STOPPED without any warning!!!!! GOSH!!! I must stop my car right now! I pushed the break, hope it would stop right away. But the road was so slippery after the rain. I could feel my car was not in my control. It swayed to the front and I thought it would bang the car in front of me. Finally, my car stopped. I was numbed. I could not think and feel a...


我常常会在某段时间里,想不顾一切离开这里到国外旅行去。 又或者,想继续抱着不屈不挠的精神,勇敢的在自己的事业继续闯荡。 可是,有时候,又不想这么强下去,不如就好好地安定下来吧- 做个幸福小女人。 或许,我的身体里有两个我。一个活泼好动,有着跳跃的心。另一个沉静优雅,有沉淀的心。 那种,一时想这样,一时想那样的我,或许没有人明白,我自己也不明白。 我的未来竟决定于~我会不会遇到对的人。 如果没遇见他,那个活泼的我会毫不犹豫的飞奔到另一个国度。 如果遇到了,那沉淀的我会为了他安定下来。 不知从什么时候开始,我很少对感情的事发表意见。朋友们兴高采烈地谈感情事,我不怎么想表达。可能,就连自己也不敢相信,在这新时代,我竟然还持有着这样传统的想法。 有一个年纪轻过我的朋友说,我一方面有着新潮的思想,无论工作、社交、活动都可以独当一面。可是,骨子里对婚姻又很传统。 矛盾地,每天在挣扎。 (最近听回了一些王菲的歌,她曾经是我的最喜爱歌手。她退出乐坛后,我就不常听了。都是朋友惹的祸,这些歌都是回忆。)


蓝色黄昏 流浪儿 慵懒的歌 红马车 梧桐遮住了 舞蹈的鞋 马戏团描出声色 不管 你有一分钱或黄金万贯 不管 你是一只蚂蚁还是个上帝 LA..... 我愿意翘盼 安然的醉酒微酣 红胡子的老人 微笑多恬淡 我的舞鞋旋转 我唱到疯癫 我愿弃世登仙 旋转的车轮来为我献欢 我怎会疲倦 LA.....


My friend told me I'm too tough, and probably this is the reason why I'm still available. I just wondered ~ is this true? No matter how tough a woman is, she needs someone to take care of her. She is ought to have a special one too. She also would like to take care of somebody and be patient, be lovely to her partner. And suddenly there is an answer flash into my mind - this happen because men are not confident enough to handle such women. They felt that tough women is difficult to control (the right way of saying is gagagagag....under their control). Okie, I try not to be so tough...but how? ^_^

Move ~ 搬家了

我帮我的部落格搬家了。欢迎大家进入我的新家。小女子会多多益善,写多一点的。gagaga.... I moved to this blog....Welcome~Welcome~Welcome. I'll write more to benefit you...gagaga

最近多了一些足以影响我的朋友。想到了这些朋友,我的嘴角会微微上扬。这一切也多亏了我的工作。我想~ 我已经离开了那段改变我人生观的难过回忆。这段回忆,虽然我没有特别表现的很伤心,但伤害毕竟是藏在心底的。 我的这个朋友对漂亮新奇的事物常常表现的很兴奋。她是个和我完全相反的人。我从来不对一件事过分反应。甚至有些时侯,太冷静了。对于一些事的看法, 她也总是可以很清晰的表达出来。这一点,我很羡慕,也总是学不来。那就是我的做事方法吧-对于说出想法,我常有保留。想想,不是不想分享,只是有时这些想 法很模糊,我自己也搞不清楚,时间到了,她自然就出来罗。有时,我只想冷静的看清楚事情,客观的,保持我贯有的中庸之道。 我的另一个朋友,想到他,我总想到要爱自己多一点。身体是父母给的,怎么可以不爱呢~大概是这样的意思吧。他总是理所当然的说一些看法,而有一些 话,我不得不佩服~这些我向来都知道的道理,从他口中出来竟充满了说服力,还不知不觉地烙印在我的脑海里。所以啊,我会多爱自己一点了。 他很爱发问。每一次,他反问回我,我总是问回自己~是这样的吗?他常常可以让我反省我自己的想法。而且,他的发问总让我觉得是时候进修了。到人生的 这一刻,可以让我反省或正面思考、更上一楼的人并不多。那是因为我本身就爱思考-有很多事靠思考就可以揣摩出来。(有时候想太多还真是不好的事)他或许就 是其中一个吧。 另一个朋友,总是很勇敢的表达自己。她要做什么,想做什么,想要什么,她都会勇敢地向前冲。与她混在一起,不知不觉地,我也要坦然一些,直接一点。 还有一个朋友,虽然没赤裸裸地表现出来,她~是个很有独特想法的女孩,对事情有一套见解。这敢爱敢恨的朋友,让我学到了爱和恨的极端。也因为这样,我有点担心她会碰很多灰。但是,我相信她会从这些“灰”学到更多。我只希望她不会为此而变得偏激。 从他们的身上,我又上了一些人生的课。如果我没有从那些伤痛走出来,我不会看见他们身上的特质吧,更枉说被影响了。^_^