
Lately, I ate dinner late. Few days ago around 8.30pm and today was 9 sth ...
Hmmnnnn, it is really bad for my stomach. Had gastric pain when I was in primary. Tried to eat on time for ages, and now, for the sack of finishing the works before go Beijing....erm hehe extend my stay for travelling, my gastric pain resume.

I can't eat a lot during lunch time. I eat little and frequent meals. I get hungry after 2- 2 and half  hours of a meal, which mean around 5pm, I get hungry when office hour ends. All my snacks finished few months ago. I still can't get a time to buy it.... erm I wonder should I have all my time tie to works. I'll get over the curse soon after coming back from Beijing.

Erm... I'm really feeling uncomfortable right now... I hope I'll really no need to OT after Beijing... (but look at my schedule, it's full until 2nd week of December.

Oh SOS!!!! Stress is going to kill me!!!!!!


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