
Showing posts from February, 2009


前几天下班回家时,我听到一首歌,歌词里有“代价”这两个字。不知怎么的,一路上思绪就一直围绕在“代价”。 代价啊,无论做什么事情,都要付出代价。努力完成一件事,所用的时间和心力,是代价吗?是成功的代价。就连幸福,也需要付出代价,投进许多心思、耐心、爱心等。不过,同样的,无论是成功或者幸福,付出多少不代表得回同等的回报。 可是有些事,我们就是愿意用无限的代价去得到,哪怕是赔钱的回报。不管试多少次,总会对这些看似不会成功的事抱着希望。(这就是人可怕,也是可爱的地方。) 或许不应该看终点,而是看过程。如果付出代价的过程,让我们有无限的满足。把这些满足收集起来,就可以拿来当筹码以交换赔钱的回报。如果得到的回报不赔钱,那么得到的回报就是双倍的。如此,我们又得到了应付更多挑战的筹码,更有能力付出更多的代价。 是这样的吗?爱情呢?爱情不受这个代价的方程式控制。

Rose 玫瑰

我收到最多玫瑰、最多人的玫瑰的那一次,是我25岁生日的那一年。那一年的生日在国外度过。那儿的朋友喜欢送玫瑰给寿星。一人送你一枝,无论男女,最后集成一束。各种颜色的玫瑰插在花瓶里煞是漂亮。 每人一枝的玫瑰,没有华丽的包装,没有丝带或其他的花陪衬。那个夜晚,我拿着这些带刺的“新鲜”的玫瑰从一个庆祝会到另一个。拿着这些玫瑰要非常小心,这些刺可以把你的手刺出血来。可是,我不介意,他们简单直接的心意让我很感动。 p/s: 第一次收到的玫瑰花,我记得,也很感谢。 I had my 25-birthday in Europe with my friends. Each of them brought one rose for me, and it gathered into a bouquet of roses. The roses were colourful, and I was so touch with their ways of presenting the roses. The roses were fresh and "wild" with thorns on them. Not in any wrapper. Simple yet lovely. I brought the roses in bare hands to all the parties I attended that night, even though they could pierce my fingers. This was a night which I had the most roses and received from many people in my life.


Dear, I like Gustav Klimt so much. Met him in the secession building at Vienna, Austria .... love his paintings especially The Kiss and Beethoven Frieze. I feel love in The Kiss......