Thoughts @ ICAAP

1) It was my 5th day at Bali. The conference was great. It gave me some times to think about the project that I am currently handling and some ideas on where the project should direct to and how to work on it.

I couldn't have done that if I continue to stay at the office. Too much works and I was doing for the sake of finishing it.

2) I met an American lady at the conference when waiting bus at the drop-off place. Yeah, another American lady... She is lovely and talkative. She works at Hanoi, Vietnam and has been working there for more than 10 years. She told me a lot about her life, from internship at Fiji, studying at Uni Hawaii, working at Thailand, Switzerland, so on ...... and how she met her husband.

She said a lady like her, who is so independent and mobilize, would not think of marriage or meeting a guy. Unexpected, she met her husband at Vietnam, who was working there too. The most wonderful part was that her husband came from the same area as she was. Just few years ago, they both had discovered that their great grand fathers were somehow connected through some business matters. :)

3) I felt disappointed that I couldn't join my friends for any outing. My hotel was too far away from their apartment. If I would like to take taxi to their place or get back to my hotel, I need to pay 15 USD for one way! It is too expensive!

4) Attended a Satellite Meeting entitled The Pleasure Project. The project uses" sex for pleasure" to promote safer sex = condom use. It is really great! I wonder if I can do the same project in Malaysia. Sexuality is an interesting topic, sexuality and young people will be a real challenge....


  1. Aha,it's great about american girls.
    Anyway, enjoy your time there!!!

  2. Ya. so sad you can't join us. Nvm! we have a lot of great time in Malaysia!

  3. Hey. It's always very good to go out and meet with different people, and I'm so glad that you have got new thoughts after the conference!!
    I had similar experiences in Bangkok as well, the workshop I attended was fantastic! I met with friends from Pakistan, Nepal, Thailand, Malaysia, India, Sri Langka, etc. There was this very wise old Liberian lady told me that: you must be patient, everyone starts very fresh, and you are learning all the time, don't think that you are too small to start off everything!
    I think the happiest thing about being sent to overseas for workshop is not to travel, it's to meet with different people from other countries! =) Looking forward to listening from you more!


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