Paris Je T'aime

因为一个朋友的动机,我去了巴黎。我就是这样,明明在看了《巴黎 我爱你》这电影,就心动想要到巴黎走走,却迟迟因为不够钱没敢动身。然后又在一夕间,改变念头。

有一次要换火车票的出发时间,我拿的是电子票。网上说可以到火车站柜台换时间。到了火车站,柜台服务员说不能,我只能打电话到服务中心更换。好,我打电话到服务中心,只听见我听不懂的法语。等,最后终于接通接线员。幸好,她会英语,而且很有耐心。可是最后我的转账卡有问题,她要我过后再打来。好的,我终于搞清楚了。再打,真糟糕,这一次,下一次,下下一次, 不是遇到不会说英语的,就是没有耐心搞清楚你要什么(只因为火车站太吵,她听不清楚),再来是没人接听,要不然搞到最后才告诉你他的系统办不到,要我致电去另一个部门。最后,我花了3~4个小时还有十多欧元,我还是失败了。哈,除了这,还有几个更让我胆战心惊的事情,就不说了。


当然这只是这旅程的一部分,还有很多很多的趣事,比如那些发生在比利时和丹麦的故事。 :)

Watched Paris Je T'aime many years back, and thought of going Paris one day, but never made it until a friend asked me to join him to London and Denmark. The original purpose of the trip was to visit the universities in London and a friend in Denmark. However, due to the ticket's price, we both decided to land on Paris first, and due to many other reasons, we never traveled together until the last week of the trip. In the end, I visited Paris twice and none of the universities (Life proves to me again: he/she is just unpredictable).

Paris, Oh, Paris. It is, for the first time, I love and hate a city. I love her relaxing pace and romantics, as well as the people who try their very best to communicate with me in order to help me and Frenchmen who are so charming. At the same time, I was really mad at the people especially those who sit behind the desk (those from the service line) who ignore English speakers (such as me) and their attitude in serving the customer, being so impatient and arrogant. On top of that, I can't explain my feelings towards their humour. I'm totally amused by their humour when I'm in good mood. But, it would be sarcastic when things turned wrong. :)

There were many strange and unexpected but interesting experiences in this trip. From trying to reschedule a train ticket, to looking for a nice baguette for a Parisian picnic, meeting new friends (and a handsome Parisian), seeing starry night outside the Paris etc., Paris - I love you!

p/s: many more interesting stories in Belgium and Denmark too!!



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