2012的回顾 (2012 reflection)
还有那么一天,2012年就结束了。第一次,在还未结束时就想把去年的收成给记录下来。今年比去年要早很多是因为我对今年的收成很清楚也很满意。 今年做了几个不同的转变,而最好的就是辞职转工。不只收入增加,也让我看清了很多事,包括我自己。新的工作让我更能客观的看待以前的那份工作还有旧公司。吸收新知识的当儿,我也乘机反省过去做过的事和决定。真的没有想到做了一个想做很久的决定,竟然使我心情宁静快乐了许多,连带心智也升华了。 另外一个就是上英文和法语课。以前小时候总觉得学习语言是件苦差,到了中学根本不想再为语文努力。现在学习不是因为觉得语言重要,而是觉得语言很有趣。要怎样让一个人清楚明白自己的意思,靠的就是沟通-而语言扮演着重要的桥梁。 今年我也不负所望终于考了IELTS,还拿了一个好成绩(7.5/9)。然后我还申请了奖学金。不管结果如何,总算做了一件对自己好的事。 明年,即使没有拿到奖学金,我也不后悔了。我要更努力的追寻我的梦想。 There is just one more day to 2013. For the first time, I write the reflection of the year before the year is finished. I am too eager to do that, because I am clear about my achievements and happy about it. There were some changes this year and the best was resigning from the old job and getting a new one. Besides a reasonable income, I got a better understanding about things that happened to me during my time working with the former organisation. Through reflections, I learned about myself better. Now, I always view things from different perspectives and take a st...