
Recently, there are a lot of news and works overwhelmed me, which some of them are surprise/more than a surprise/unpleasant news for me to come across.

A friend of mine seriously fall sick. The news came to me, just after my sister recovered from her illness. God bless her (although I doubt his existence - but something something gotta be there to heal her, other than medicine)

I was surprised to find out that I actually can be very perseverance in pursuing my goal. After struggling, I'm still here. (or some people name it "stubborn")

After months of losing interest and passion in my work, I have finally gotten myself escape from such feelings. They have come back into my life.

I realized the voice in my heart is always there for me, if I listen carefully. Through listening, I make a right choice. I should have always followed my heart, instead of my brain. Thanks to a friend who has frequently reminded me on this.

I read an article. It taught me to always pursue interests and activities that mean a lot to me. It surprises me that the words "Mean a lot" have truly pointed out the chaos in my heart.



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