
Dear friends and people I met in Ukraine,

I visited to EXPO at Shanghai. The first thing I looked into the map is to search for UKRAINE pavilion. It is my most wanted to visit pavilion. I wanted to see what amazing stuff has been brought across the ocean by Ukraine to China. Your creativities marked deeply in my mind during my visit to Ukraine, and I couldn't wait to find Ukraine pictures, shapes, people, songs and others in the pavilion. 

Finally, I saw it. Just like what I've had in my mind, the geometrical pictures, yin yang, woods, traditional clothes and food - borsch. It was a revision of what I've experienced last few years. 

Nothing like the EXPO in Shanghai, has called all the memories back into my mind. People that I met, things I've done, sadness and happiness that I've gone through all these years ...

Miss you all!!!


  1. Yes, it had to be perfect if you were with us last month!


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