
Showing posts from December, 2009

2nd world war

recently, the tv is showing a soap series which happens during world war 2. I was resting at home yesterday (had been away from home for few weeks, finally, I'm home!!), and watching the episode with my mum. While watching, my mum told me that the world war 2 happened during my grandma's time. As shown in the episode, my grandma and her family ran away from the Japanese army into jungle. She had to eat whatever she could find in the jungle when she was hiding in the jungle. She dirtied her face with charcoal to avoid being caught by the army. Their lives were very difficult at the time. I feel gratitude for not living in those days.  However war has never stopped but changes its form. 

开始 Beginning of the Journey

昨天,好知己的喜宴终于结束,我也顺利地完成我的任务。喜宴举办得很成功哦! 今天,小两口就赶着回婆家那儿办另一场婚宴。啊,我真替他们感到疲累! 今天,我也累的倒下了。睡了整个下午。从槟岛回来后,一直不舒服,却没有像今天般,头疼还呼吸困难。真庆幸不是喜宴前! 相交了十多年的知己,终于和另一半步入人生的另一个旅程。这是一个新的开始。看她眼睛红红的听着老公的承诺,还有看着她的爸妈那种神情,即使她结婚后没有离家太远,那种离开这个家步入另一个家的感觉还是深刻心底的。 希望她和他相守到老。你们可要快快乐乐的哦,幸福的度过一生!这是我最真诚的祝福。


向北部去,就会看到连绵不绝的山。偶尔我们的车在高速公路上,经过一些独立在旁的老树。 一片叶子也没的老树,以身上仅剩的枝桠朝天空伸展去,仿佛想抓住天空里的一些东西把他/她/它留在身旁。那可能只是一只碰巧经过的鸟儿。或者那棵老树只想要钩下一片云为自己的枝桠增加色彩。 非常喜欢天空的我,如今除了天空,这些树似乎也成了我的新宠。有机会,我一定要他们照照相呢。

Kuala Terengganu ~ 一路上听王菲的歌

来丁加奴的这一天,是晴天。虽然不是晴空万里,其热气可是把我们热透了。那刺眼的阳光把我们的眼睛刺疼。他递了太阳眼镜给我。 一路朝东,我们听着王菲的歌,哼着,唱着。我的心情非常愉快。 听王菲的歌特别有感觉,因为王菲的歌声和林夕的词总能触碰我的心。 驾了两个小时,是吧,就两个吧,我累了。幸好有他,一路驾到丁加奴。 到过丁加奴几次,我却从来没有好好欣赏过路上的风景。每一次,我都聚精会神的在驾驶。 天空蔚蓝,那是我最喜欢的颜色,却不是我喜欢天空的原因。我喜欢天空,因为他不断随着阳光而改变,更喜欢云的变化衬托着他。天空有时让人惊喜,有时让人悲伤,有些时候让人感慨。 就让丁加奴的星空伴我入睡吧!


Watched this yesterday night. Wanted to stay overnight for a movie or anime quite some time and enjoyed some luxuries of being a cat that stayed awake in the midnight. His music always impressed me. Sir, please organize an orchestra concert in Malaysia!!!! Hooray, I just turned into 2X years old (don't ask me my age - forbidden, it's still started with num 2 hehe)!!!! A lot more to experience, learn and improvE!! 长大了,是什么?以前,懵懵懂懂的过日子。那时总以为,还有明天。也以为自己已经尽了最大的努力,过着疯狂的日子。现在,回头看一看,还是觉得不够疯狂,不够精彩。可,疯狂和精彩又是什么?人不疯狂枉少年!!! 这是我的座右铭。 你看我好,我看你好~我的疯狂看在我的眼里,不是什么,看在别人眼里,那是令人羡慕的。我也羡慕别人。那些我羡慕的,我学着自己达成。可能不完全相同,但也是一种成就。 我是满足的,可,我不会停下。问自己:努力燃烧自己是为了什么?那是因为不要有遗憾。 如果放开一切,不理所有的世俗眼光,不理自己那被教育的思想,我会去哪里?我常常会想起一个抛下一切,不停流浪的朋友。我羡慕她,但不想学她 。我不能忍受没有“家”的感觉,也不能忍受一辈子在流浪。 哦,生日~是成长让我不再觉得特别,但我学会珍惜/活着的精彩。

(~I wish I have~)

"Where are we going now?" "Don't know, where do you want to go?" "I want to see xxxx" "Alright, we go xxx"   I was in the PC fair. While I was walking out from the banquet hall (yes, they made us passed by all booths), I came across a "couple", a father and his lovely daughter. It was usual, but when I heard on how they talk to each other. I was surprised that the father talked to his daughter, just like a guy talks to his girl friend (I even turned to check on them - yes, a father and his daughter). He talked so softly, relaxed, patient and with some humour. Okay, not all guys talk like this to his girl friend. But, he might be exceptional. Anyway, I seldom heard a kid expresses their thoughts to their parents so directly, and parents talk to their children as if they are friends - without pressure and instructive words. Suddenly, I had a thought. If I have a daughter and she has a father like him, she would be the happiest ...

Kiki's Delivery

Yesterday I watched this anime again. The last time I watched was many years back. Love the music very much.


静静的按下电源开关 屏幕的色彩越来越亮 在虚拟的城市找一个 让心灵休息的地方 塑胶的键盘滴答发响 机器的声音温柔呼唤 抛弃了不完美的肉身 跃出了现实的天窗 张开透明翅膀 朝着月亮飞翔 搜寻最美一个 现世的天窗 越过世界尽头 跟随我的预感 乘着幻想的风 散落无数的光芒 高速的连线传送思想 跳跃的文字透露愿望 安慰的话比亲密拥抱 仿佛更真实的触感 屏幕的色彩依旧发亮 机器的声音继续呼唤 在网路的海洋找不到 让欲望躲藏的地方 神秘的通道即将开放 渴望的心情兴奋不安 抛弃了太疲倦的肉身 越出了现实的天窗 张开透明翅膀 朝着月亮飞翔 搜寻最美一个 现世的天堂 飞过夜的尽头 拥抱你的温暖 乘着幻想的风 散落无数的光芒 王菲 - 光之翼