匆匆那年 我们究竟说了几遍 再见之后再拖延 That year, time flew. How many times we said goodbye and yet the departure was never happened (it was delayed). 可惜谁有没有爱过 不是一场七情上面的雄辩 It is a pity that whether we are being in love or not, it is not something we can decide by arguing it expressively. 匆匆那年 我们一时匆忙撂下 难以承受的诺言 That year, time flew. It was reckless, we made a promise that was difficult to hold. 只有等别人兑现 (and now) we have no choice but to wait for someone to realize it. 不怪那吻痕 还没积累成茧 we don't blame the kisses are too little that it cannot turn into cocoon. 拥抱着冬眠 也没能羽化再成仙 (and though) we hold each other during winter hibernation, we do not emerge and transform into immortal 不怪这一段情 没空反复再排练 we don't blame our love for it is not able to continue (for no more time for rehearsing) 是岁月宽容 恩赐反悔的时间 time is tolerant it grants us the time to get back (into the promise) 如果再见不能红着眼 是否还能红著脸 If we meet again and our eyes are not red (from crying), are we able to blush again (to be in love again...