
Showing posts from April, 2010


回到过去的感觉很好,即使这里不是我以前住的那栋旧宿舍。可,这里有大学的书味:桌椅,橱,床。到底什么样的学生曾经在这里埋头苦读,或者庸庸碌碌得过了三,四年?我好像又回到了大学读书的时代。 什么样的人宁愿走路,也不愿等巴士?是我(还有几个朋友)。每天上完课后,因为不想和大家挤巴士,所以走路回宿舍。宿舍说远不远,可也不近。那时,一股勇(傻)劲,那宿舍永远近在咫尺。 每天早上,上完课后,大家冲到“水池”吃早点。水池吗,就是那个图书馆外,一片蓝色围墙的开放式食堂。一盘很多黄瓜的 nasi lemak ,只因为大家对营养素有研究,都觉得黄瓜(蔬果)对身体很好。要快,才有黄瓜哦! 回到房间,放下书包,就和两位室友抬杠。再不然,跑到其他房间串门子。不知道,我的两位室友还记得第一次见面的时候吗?那时,我的家里出现问题。爸妈没有陪我到大学。可是,其他的同学都是父母陪同来的,只有我例外。我的好朋友和妹妹们陪我报到了。真的很开心有他们,不然,我也不知道该怎么办。这是我第一次住在家以外的地方。 我记得第一次看见女人,还有 mc 时,大家尴尬的打招呼(你们的家人都在啊)和自我介绍。我进来的迟(希望没记错吧),最后睡在上层。三人的房间,一张很长的书桌。我坐在她俩的中间。一起读书的时候,转左边会看见 mc ,望右边看有女人。记得每次女人都要在傍晚睡个午觉。考试时,她读得很夜,功课也比我们繁重很多。而 mc ——我的室友兼科友,她很勤力。我睡的时候,她还在夜读。早上我起身没多久,她也起身了。我的记忆里有她的笑容也有她哭泣的脸。 第二年,我搬回家了。谢谢她们,还有其他的舍友。在我的大二和三,她们帮了我很多。如果不是他们,我很怀疑我会不会熬得下去。 这些日子,不会再回来。无论多怀念,它已经走远。在我的记忆还没有枯萎前,让我把它重温一遍,记录下来。


对于感情,从以前到现在我都是傻瓜。常常很直接的表达自己的感情。偏偏这不是容易被接受的方法。世俗说:女子要有矜持。我偏不信,常常撞墙,头破血流。 在工作上很精明,却不能把它运用在感情上。 朋友说感情没有方程式。是啊,我说只能再接再厉,尝试,失败,再尝试。 跌跌撞撞。 在受了很多很多的伤后,才会找到天子。

ask me: why do you work so hard?

My friend again, posted this question to me. Friends who know me, (my colleagues who work with me) why am I so hardworking? Yes, I admit, I work very hard and always focus on the work that I do. (I'm not sure whether I make them feel stress?) I asked myself, the same question. Why do I work so hard? Why do I focus so much on my job? Looking back to the time when I was a tuition teacher. I felt lost all the time. I asked myself at the time: Do I want to be a tuition teacher for the rest of life? With my stamina, I can actually do a lot for the society to make changes. I can choose not to put things on myself. I can choose to have a simple and relaxing life. I can let go. But, when I let go, it means one and only one reason - I don't enjoy it anymore. Th next question that I asked myself: Do I merely love this job? I found that I'm just fine to get any job who allows me to make changes, regardless where and whom I served. Anyway, if this job does not seem interesting ...


现在才发现原来钢琴乐可以很狂野,混乱甚至叛逆,也可以很随性。恰恰符合了我的个性?喜欢王菲,不是巧合。因为他反映了我真正的自己。我就是那种任性又随行的人。如果不是环境要我更正常一些,更沉稳和整齐一些,我不会有束缚自己的感觉。而今天的我爱上了叛逆的爵士。这样的音乐正是小时候,我最常做的随行弹奏。可,我从来没发现这是一种爵士。 很喜欢WVC Trio 的爵士,特别是钢琴。他的琴声充满了热情,非常活泼。轻而易举的,他俘虏了我的耳朵。 谢谢我的战友,在我被压力压垮的时候,拉了我一把。还把这令人愉悦的乐团介绍了给我。

At the End of Day Break 心魔

The movie's plot is not new to me. We can't deny that some young people have had sex, regardless their background, ethnic etc. The story is so close to my heart, as I have learned and seen it when I was a Community Education Officer in FRHAM. The soundtracks of the movie is kind of surprise for me. There were my favourites and among the songs, there is my favourite singer, Faye Wong. "暗涌" was played when the girl was riding the motorbike with her boy friend. She looked so empty, as if her life is not worth to continue.

teenage pregnancy (1)

Sometimes, I wonder why people like to link teenage pregnancy to abortion. Just like the article that I read on a newspaper. There was a photo of people demonstrating against legalizing abortion in a country, indeed the article was about teenage pregnancy. The photo distracted our focus from the root cause of teenage pregnancy. Pictures speak. For those who like to read the header and pictures, most probably will link the header with pictures. What if, these people do not know the overall context of teenage pregnancy. Will they perceive these two issues as one cause of another? Especially when these two issues are generally perceived as sin and moral deterioration in Malaysia society. Teenage pregnancy is pregnancy of young women and girls (10-24 years old). In Malaysia context, teenage pregnancy usually relates to pregnancy out of wedlock. Instead of emphasizing the marital status, I like it to be named as unintended pregnancy. What is unintended Pregnancy?