
Showing posts from July, 2012


12月8日的零时30分,我出生了。那是1981年。 小时的我,大概是五六年级的时候,常常在想“前世”这个事,因为实在有太多的电视节目以前世今生为题材。我这从小看tvb长大的又怎么会不好奇自己的前世呢。 直到中学后,爱上星术和希腊神话。想从那儿找到一些端倪,我看是浪费时间了。 无端从历史知道1941年的12月7日发生了日本侵袭珍珠港,也就是拉开第二世界大战的序幕。 我想我或许就是战争的死难者,可能那时在珍珠港上,也可能在日军的战机上,就这样死了。然后,我的灵魂在海上漂浮,用了四十年的光阴寻找自己在战争里死的原因。 别笑我。我自己也觉得自己很傻。怎么会把1941和1981年联系起来呢?哈,很一厢情愿吧。 就是这样的个性,我还很快乐的吃了很多亏。 那四十年后,是为什么要重新为人呢?在海上自由自在的飞翔,不是很好吗? 啊,是空气越来越污染了?是海水越来越污黑了? 哦,我是胡乱写的。 我想真正的原因是:轻飘飘的很辛苦,想了四十年也很累啊,怎么也想不到。不如再次体验喜怒哀乐,反正四十年前什么事也记不得。四十年后,可能世界变得更有趣了呢? I was born on december 8th. It was 1981. When I was a child, I liked to think about my past life. There were too many Chinese TV soaps (especially TVB Cantonse Series) that tell about reincarnation. I was very curious then to find out my past life. Study Horoscope and Greek Mythology stories became my favourite hobbies in my secondary school. I thought I could find out my past life from these studies. LOL. Unexpectedly, I learned about the history of the day - December 7th, 1941. It was an important day of his...


两个好朋友公开承认他们正进行着柏拉图式的恋爱。啊,这里头会有我的祝福。 这样的爱情会有嫉妒吗?啊,会吧。难怪我常常感受到敌意。 柏拉图式的爱情可以容忍自己的另一半有其他的柏拉图式的爱情伴侣吗? 我想在这样的关系里,通常不能容许另一半有其他的爱情关系,而自己却能享有这样的特权吧?为什么不呢? 但是只有精神上的交流怎么能称得上爱情呢? 如果只是思想中的完美,那可不可以是幻想中的完美。那可不可以只是比好朋友再高一点的层次呢? 想要柏拉图式的爱情,是不是逃避的一个方法?只是不愿意去面对在其他关系中可能会有的伤害。至少这种精神上的恋爱,没有亲密的肌肤依赖。失去了一个精神上的依赖,可以再找一个。可是一旦肉体也连接了,那要怎么去适应没有的日子啊。 柏拉图式的爱情是一个实验的产品-两个异性怎么去维持这样的平衡,我很想知道呢? 能不能有柏拉图式的单恋呢?仰或是每一段单恋都是柏拉图式的爱情?胡扯一番后,我想在爱情里,我还是比较自私的那一个。

Last Week

I have been here for almost 5 years and finally, I made the most difficult decision of leaving this place. It will become real very soon in half a month. There are many thoughts in my mind, but the only thing that hurts me the most now is the accuse of me being irresponsible and unethical. I never thought that a place which I have stayed for 5 years and a person whom I decided to stay and work for her when I tried to resign 2 years back would accuse me and even write a complaint letter to my future work place. Although it is a matter between my current association and the future one, creating unnecessary misunderstanding and problems which will spoil the relationship between the two allies is not the thing I want. Moreover I was not given a chance to explain this and tell my reasons of leaving before they took the action. When I  reflect on what had happened, I know I am the one who put myself into this situation. If I could realize in the beginning that the system and conditio...