
Showing posts from April, 2013

South Korea when everyone said it is unsafe to go Now

When the North and South were in so much tension, my family and I were heading there for vacation. We spent one night and a half day on the flight - from LCCT to Seoul Incheon Airport and transited to Jeju International Aiport. It was quite long. We didn't expect the delay of the flight to Jeju. The first thing we did in Jeju was getting the car which was booked before our departure. It was a great experience driving in Jeju. It challenged my driving skill and safety zone, because it is right-hand traffic in South Korea, which is different from my country. I turned into wrong lane when I just drove the car out from the parking. It was frightening when I saw car (just one) coming towards us (and thank god, the car was moving slow). My sister told me she could see the face of the driver turning green lol... Jeju is an island with beautiful landscapes. It was fantastic to drive along the coastal roads. We saw beautiful flowers, mountains and rocks along the coastal line. When we c...


那个女孩小时很喜欢和爸爸一起游车河。 她对这一切已经没有印象了,都是从妈妈那儿听来的。 自懂事以来,父亲好像都不常在家。即使在,也只是那个半天和家人一起吃早餐。 印象中,父亲不喜欢吃快餐,可是对小孩来说,也只要在周末可以要求吃一些平常吃不到的。虽然不喜欢,父亲还是带着女孩还有家人去了。很多时候,他都唠叨着:为什么要吃这些吃不饱的食物? 不过更多的时候,小女孩听到是他对母亲不满的唠叨,还有辱骂。 再大一点的时候,女孩已经明白这是不该的,也不再仰慕父亲了,更多的是冷淡。 不再看家里的事,漠视这一切,她只想呆在外头。 当女孩已经成年了,当一切都已经不能再继续下去,她鼓起勇气支持可怜的母亲离开这一切。也是如此,她也离开了熟悉的一切开始靠自己生活。 那个没有父亲陪着成长的女孩一直想要找到幸福。 但是,她看不到也看不清男人究竟是什么,还有幸福到底是什么样子? 然后忙碌的过了那青春的十年,不去看也不去想,断断续续的在情路上跌伤。 今天她才恍然想起那个父亲。 原来她还是想他的,只是不能原谅他。


一首歌、一个街景、一本书、一个盒子都可以让你想起你曾经爱着的人。 那些该死的感动原来不会逝去。 那些该遗忘的人也不曾从心里离开过。 那些我不愿他们离去的人还是离开了。 如果能学会三毛的勇气,该遗忘的人可能会少了些。 这一生想见的人,在人生短暂的生命里,即使见着了,也不能再说你有多惦记着他。