
Showing posts from February, 2013


It was 3rd day of Chinese New Year "Chi Kou Ri" in Chinese. A day which Chinese believes it is not good to visit or have guests at home, because the Anger God will make people argue with no reasons. Anyway, it was an extremely good day for us. My sister and I visited my mother's hometown - Behrang together with my grandpa and his four children (and families) - Big uncle (the eldest son of my grandpa), big aunt (the eldest daugther), 4th aunt (daughter number four), my mother, cousins and cousin-in-law (15 people in total).  It was the usual agenda - visit from house to house, eat, chit-chat and get AngPao. But, there were more this time. We had many wonderful moments together and I enjoyed the get-together. Many laughs and jokes along the journey, and space between two cars is not a barrier for us - we WHATAPPS and KAKAO each other lol instead of making calls.... We played Monopoly cards and those who lost the game would pay RM1 after games (and no one is actually payin...


今年的赤口日是我们的开心日! 四辆车浩浩荡荡的往妈妈的家乡出发。一路上说笑听歌还偶尔哼几句,顺便用手机短讯(whatsapps, kakao)另一辆车的表姐妹。到了亲戚家,我们虽然按照平时的章程:拜年讨红包叙旧吃午饭再拜年讨红包…… 今年外加扑克牌和大富翁。输嘛也是那么一令吉。我们玩的不亦乐乎。后来干脆不赌钱,赌瓜子。一颗颗的瓜子是我们的筹码,输得让出一颗。最后大家啃瓜子,啃傻了。我们还带了一把上车,成了我们在车上的下午茶。 大家看见小婴孩,也不停地逗弄,还要拍照。玩够了,才放开她,还她自由。 从美冷新村到怡保,大道有一点阻塞,但是热情不却。 喝了冰冻的白咖啡,就到表妹夫的家摘百香果。然后和他的家人在“味不同”(那阿贤人情味曾经推荐的饭店)吃了一顿特别的晚餐-菜单是:鱼粥、蟹冬粉、芝士虾、鱼丸、两菜和一菇。吃的真开心!! 我们六个已经二三十岁的表兄妹挤坐在一张四人的桌子。那是多挤啊!看着一道又一道的大盘子上桌,很是紧张,深怕再来一道就没有地方可以放菜了。大家快手快脚把刚端上的菜分了,放在各自的小盘子上。表妹笑说我们像是在吃杂饭。另一个深呼吸说:放松、放松,别紧张。可是,我们最后还是紧张的把两道菜在10分钟内解决了(!!) 半个小时后,大家一直赞美味的菜肴慢慢无人问津~都吃的太饱了!我们还打包剩菜回家呢。 回程用了蛮长的时间。路上车多意外多,驾车时警惕万分。无论如何,大家还是开心的平安到家~ 后记: 明明输得要给一令吉,回家后,大家都忘了。