
Showing posts from February, 2011

还在放假 - 拜天公

今天是年初8了,午夜12时的拜天公是福建人最重视的节日。可是,我一点也感受不到。家里从我中学开始,已经不拜天公了。以前说不拜的,好啊,反正省事。几年前,开始觉得拜天公也很好啊。亲戚朋友可以聚在一起劳作,例如折钱纸,煮一些吃的,然后一起拜拜,放鞭炮。呵呵,纯粹喜欢一起的感觉。不过,别叫我一个人空忙的,我会恨死这些大日子。 所以呢,因为想感受这种大日子,我开始寻找。曾经去过一个远亲的家。他们每一年都在这个日子办openhouse,然后拜天公。每年都很热闹,有很多的人出席。因为所有的事都有工人张罗,我只是凑热闹,唯一责任是,瞎吃。没有温暖的感觉,这跟我和朋友出外吃饭是一样的。吃完了,聊完了,就散了。 近两年,我不再去了,转移阵地。我到知己的家去闹。嘿,想帮些什么忙的,仿佛越帮越忙。她的家人也不好意思让我帮,毕竟是客人啊。不过,我还是强强的帮了一些。她的家人多,地方小。大家是真的济济一堂。因为是很一家人的事,当他们一个一个上香后,也邀我点上一份。哈哈,真的很有温暖的感觉。 还有更开心的事。那就是拜完以后点炮的时候。很久没有玩炮了。自从禁了以后,家里又没拜拜的习惯,而且要省钱,更加没有人愿意犯禁。闷死了,整个新年就少了什么。知己的家男丁多,好玩的也多,被警察询问,也有他们挡。当然重点不是他们挡的,是那个放鞭炮时,大家起哄。噼里啪啦的,很刺激。放完炮后,更精彩的来了,大家一起分享美食。你一块的,我一块的,真的很愉快。

reunion dinner

It has been a tradition for my family to eat reunion lunch at my maternal grandpa's house and then a home-cook dinner by my mum at home. I decided to do something different this year. On the day before (29th of lunar calendar), as usual, I went to night market with my mother. My mother bought the ingredients for the dishes and I helped carrying them, but, I paid more attention on what, how and why she bought the ingredients. I asked too. Haha trying to learn some life skills from her. On the reunion day, while my mum cooked, I sneaked into kitchen and asked her permission to let me trying on... Guess what! Cooking Chinese Food!! (Kitchen is my mum's territory. I don't usually step in because my poor skills will earn her "anger" credit :p I make sandwiches and pasta - it is too far easy) I also communicated with her on how I like to learn cooking :) It works. It was just amazing that my mum listened and I learned few new dishes (And my two sisters didn't...