
Showing posts from March, 2010

the rain drops and the bridge

Yesterday I came across a short article "Working on a Dream". DREAM, a powerful word. When I think about it, I always imagine myself standing on a mountain cliff and there is a wide green field ahead of me with blue clear sky. I can see everything even the tiniest lifeless objects.  The path to my dream was supposed to be a map of directions, and always well-known by me. Realities, however, keep me in a routine. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm really working towards my dream.  Am I on the right track?    Looked out from the car, the rain drops curtained the bridge and the top of the bridge was almost invisible. 


读着陶晶莹的《我爱故我在》。她说她和老公最终会在一起是因为大家都曾被伤害,也曾伤害过别人。大家经历这一切后,学会了珍惜。然后恰巧遇见了对方。 是啊,两个人的相遇,能不能冒出火花,能不能相知相惜,本身就是一个奇迹。天时地利人和,缺一不可。 很多年以前,总觉得会有很多明天。年轻的岁月似乎没有尽头。永远不怕迟,也不怕老(笑)。可是,总不明白有些人离开了我的人生,是真的永远失去了。太相信这些人只是我生命的过客,从不相信他们会留下。即使不留下,我的人生也会有其他精彩的人和物。不相信-根据万物吸引力,最终他们都没有留下。 正如陶晶莹说的,在感情上,寻寻觅觅。我伤害了无数人,也被无数人伤害过。这样的情节断断续续。直到我愿意学会珍惜拥抱“拥有”,而那个也愿意珍惜和拥抱的人遇见我后,我们才会拥有彼此。这时的我们才会更了解彼此的重要性和彼此的需要,更无怨无悔的在一起。 每个人经历这些阶段的时间不一样,所以要慢慢熬。虽然你很想他是你的那个人,偏偏他却不在你的阶段,看不见你。即使看见了,他可能想着未来的另一个他/她。 (这次,如果我遇见了他,我希望他也遇见了。)

International Women's Day

International Women's Day reminds me on friends I met in Ukraine. I remembered, I was wished by some friends, especially guys from Ukraine during the International Women's Day. It was awkward, yes, it was!! Because I have never been greeted by anyone in Malaysia on this day!!! I've never been appreciated as a woman (erm, born as a woman), nor I deserved to be greeted as a woman! When they greeted me, "Happy Women's Day!! Today's your day!!" I felt like it was my 2nd birthday!! I was so amazingly happy at that time. I felt great to be a woman. But, it is completely different back in Malaysia. Yeah, some events were held to celebrate the day and relevant articles were published on the newspapers. All these did not mean to most of the Malaysian. It was just a day to have fun, or some discussions, like any other celebrations.  We do not take any concrete actions, do we? I asked myself after attended yesterday seminar "Paving the Way Forward for Equal O...