昨天年初三又随妈妈和其他亲戚一起北上到美冷新村。这次比上回早到许多,十点已经坐在表姨妈的家。十一点就把午餐吃进肚子。然后又到另两家拜年去了。奇怪今年少了一家。妈妈说那家的老人家已经去世了。好突然啊!怎么会呢? 说是老婆生病走了,隔没多久老公出车祸也跟着走了。 我想到去年才见的老人家,双双在一年内逝世了。就这样,在我没有察觉的情况下消失。 前一年,我才在部落格上叮咛自己要珍惜和家乡的亲戚们相聚的时刻。才两年的光景,我们已经失去了两位联系着我们这家和他们那家的长辈。况且,我妈妈这一辈又和他们家的同辈交情疏远。从此,我们就失去了到他们家拜年的理由。 世界末日来临的这一年,我除了要更爱自己的家人以外,更应该好好的爱自己。 Yesterday was the third day of Chinese New Year. I went north with my mum and other relatives to Behrang, my mum's hometown. We arrived quite early this time. We were at Aunt's home (mother's cousin) by ten in the morning. Had our lunch at eleven and then visited two more relatives. Suspicious that we did not go to this relative's house. Why weren't we visiting them this year? I was told that both the husband and wife had passed away last year! Surprise to hear that! What happened to them? I was told that the wife sick and passed away, and not long, the husband met a deadly accident. I couldn't believe it. I visited them last year. Both looked hea...