
Showing posts from August, 2011


宫崎骏的动画电影总能带给我一丝丝的温暖和很多的快乐。这次的电影《借东西的小人》虽然不是他制作的,却有着他旧作品的影子。一只猫,一座房子,一片绿园。 还是很喜欢没有结局的电影。悬吊半空的心情,在心底留下更多的想象。 散发温柔和文艺气息的男女主角让人觉得舒服。 每一次观看他的动画,都可以看到坚韧的女主角。她让我联想到我认识的一个日本朋友。她的眼神总是坚定不移,我真的很好奇想知道在她眼里她看到的是什么。 不过比起这套动画的女主角,我更喜欢laputa和castle in the sky的,尤其是她们的勇气和坚定的意志力。 借东西的小人虽然是小品,不过还是不失一部清新的佳作。

July's sky - High Humidity

I was in a plane. I fall asleep. He was in my dream again. May be it is me who wants to meet him again. But, I know we will never go back. Traveled too often in July. Was alone to Bangkok. Sometimes, I cannot stand traveling alone. After many travels, I thought I should have get used to it. I supposed I have not changed - I'm still the girl who afraid of loneliness. I remember what he said: I'm not what I think I am. Perhaps, it is true. I traveled to Sabah for a training with new colleague and trainers. Seeing young faces, it makes me happy. Once again, they said I looked young. Many times, people have said this to me. At that time, I was not sure whether I'm still living with a heart as young as them. After back from India, I know I'm not. I am somehow, have turned into a selfish adult, a coward or an idiot. May be I know myself too perfectly, to hide my imperfectness behind these young eyes. Should I not admit this? In my memories, I still remember the girl who