
Showing posts from January, 2009

我就是这样 天马行空的磁场 或许你还不习惯 我在等你变成拍档 我就是这样 注定和你不一样 谢谢你欣不欣赏 我的风格是限量 摊开的手掌 柔软又刚强 (十指纤长 指尖藏着一鼓力量) 安静的目光 温柔却也狂放 (眼神明亮 有好多话想对你讲) 我独特的模样 是全新的信仰 温柔 倔强 勇敢 都是我 我拥有太多 不同基因 安静 吵闹 沉默 都是我 分钟 不同的颜色--> (刘力扬 - 我就是这样)

Unfortunate Incident

Xin Nian Kuai Le!!! Gong Xi FA CAi!!! Such a good first day of Chinese New Year, I was bitten by my own lovely dog!!!! He was terrified by the firecrackers and wanted to hide into the house. I was just back from a dinner with my best friends. Happily entering my house, and my sister was happened to preparing his water and asking my help. I carried his water bottles and put them back to their place. In a sudden, this smart dog opened the door with his head and ran into the house. Last few days, My mother had ordering us not to let him get into the house during CNY. She doesn't want him to dirty the house. So, I called him out for few times. But, he refused. MY sister then used his favourite food to attract him. He was not interested. My sister put the food in front of him, suddenly, he bit the food, and he got it. He was still in the house. While he was eating his food, I pushed him from his backside towards the door and tried to force him out from the house. In the nick of time, he...

ABC, 游乐场 和海

现在一看见这些东西,自然而然很开心。 1)任何的ABC都让我想起那天在三德学校附近吃的红豆冰。这红豆冰左看右看,根本就是ABC嘛。 唯一不同的是铺着很多豆豆。实在太美味了。真想再吃呢. 2)游乐场在我的童年占了多数的位置。想不到这么大了,还有机会在游乐场玩一番。不过没拍到照片,还真是可惜呢。现在看见,还真有一股冲动,想跑去跟小弟弟妹妹们抢秋千,荡一荡呢。 3)到瓜拉terengganu公干,还真是大玩特玩了一番。一向来对海都特别喜欢。如今,更忘不了东海岸的蓝蓝大海了。 把这些感受都写下来,或许就能永远记得吧。


整个12月都是工作天。没有时间为我的生日做一些回忆录。 拖到今天,已经是一月的下旬了。 这次的生日很难得的和家人和和气气,开怀大笑的吃了一餐韩国菜。我们实在太开心了,叫了很多的菜。除了烤肉 (还两碟嘞),还有年糕和面。拌菜还连添两次! 我想那帅帅的韩国仔一定在我们背后,说:这群女的还真会吃! 好不容易,把所有的菜肴都扫进肚子。只见服务生为每一桌结账的客人送上饭后果,天啊,不是吧。还要吃?我有生以来,吃的想进厕所催吐了。后来 ,不只有水果,贴心的服务生还送上韩国式的煎蛋,还有米水。哦,我们真的 看起来很会吃! 后来,韩国仔还在门口送我们离去,连声道谢。嘿嘿,我们实在太赏脸了,竟然没有剩下什么的。都是妹妹啰,说什么都不让我们浪费食物。感谢你哦,我看啊半年里,我的韩国餐都后会无期。 It is end of January now. Almost 2 months after my birthday. Finally, I got some time to write something about my birthday. My big day was in peace and warmth. I celebrated with my beloved family. They brought me to a Korean Restaurant and we had a big....really big dinner which I had to stuff everything into my stomach till I felt like vomiting. The handsome Korean guy must be giggling and said "I never seen girls eaten so much":) After two hours, *yeah we took 2 hours to finish all the food, the waiter suddenly appeared and gave us some more desserts and rice water. Gosh, I couldn't take anymore!!!!! Why are they giving us more food?...


Yesterday afternoon, I was driving back home after the Global Fund training. It was tiring.  And the piling up tasks would never let me rest. I tried to relax along the way home. It started raining like a shower. From my windscreen, I could not see the road properly. I drove carefully and slowly. As the rain turned into droplets, I finally got back to the road I used to pass through. There was a new traffic light at the cross junction. (good, it could reduce accidents and the drivers would drive slowly.) Came to the 2nd traffic light....When it turned green, I released my break n the car moved....Suddenly, the car in front of me STOPPED without any warning!!!!! GOSH!!! I must stop my car right now! I pushed the break, hope it would stop right away. But the road was so slippery after the rain. I could feel my car was not in my control. It swayed to the front and I thought it would bang the car in front of me. Finally, my car stopped. I was numbed. I could not think and feel a...


我常常会在某段时间里,想不顾一切离开这里到国外旅行去。 又或者,想继续抱着不屈不挠的精神,勇敢的在自己的事业继续闯荡。 可是,有时候,又不想这么强下去,不如就好好地安定下来吧- 做个幸福小女人。 或许,我的身体里有两个我。一个活泼好动,有着跳跃的心。另一个沉静优雅,有沉淀的心。 那种,一时想这样,一时想那样的我,或许没有人明白,我自己也不明白。 我的未来竟决定于~我会不会遇到对的人。 如果没遇见他,那个活泼的我会毫不犹豫的飞奔到另一个国度。 如果遇到了,那沉淀的我会为了他安定下来。 不知从什么时候开始,我很少对感情的事发表意见。朋友们兴高采烈地谈感情事,我不怎么想表达。可能,就连自己也不敢相信,在这新时代,我竟然还持有着这样传统的想法。 有一个年纪轻过我的朋友说,我一方面有着新潮的思想,无论工作、社交、活动都可以独当一面。可是,骨子里对婚姻又很传统。 矛盾地,每天在挣扎。 (最近听回了一些王菲的歌,她曾经是我的最喜爱歌手。她退出乐坛后,我就不常听了。都是朋友惹的祸,这些歌都是回忆。)


蓝色黄昏 流浪儿 慵懒的歌 红马车 梧桐遮住了 舞蹈的鞋 马戏团描出声色 不管 你有一分钱或黄金万贯 不管 你是一只蚂蚁还是个上帝 LA..... 我愿意翘盼 安然的醉酒微酣 红胡子的老人 微笑多恬淡 我的舞鞋旋转 我唱到疯癫 我愿弃世登仙 旋转的车轮来为我献欢 我怎会疲倦 LA.....


My friend told me I'm too tough, and probably this is the reason why I'm still available. I just wondered ~ is this true? No matter how tough a woman is, she needs someone to take care of her. She is ought to have a special one too. She also would like to take care of somebody and be patient, be lovely to her partner. And suddenly there is an answer flash into my mind - this happen because men are not confident enough to handle such women. They felt that tough women is difficult to control (the right way of saying is gagagagag....under their control). Okie, I try not to be so tough...but how? ^_^

Move ~ 搬家了

我帮我的部落格搬家了。欢迎大家进入我的新家。小女子会多多益善,写多一点的。gagaga.... I moved to this blog....Welcome~Welcome~Welcome. I'll write more to benefit you...gagaga

最近多了一些足以影响我的朋友。想到了这些朋友,我的嘴角会微微上扬。这一切也多亏了我的工作。我想~ 我已经离开了那段改变我人生观的难过回忆。这段回忆,虽然我没有特别表现的很伤心,但伤害毕竟是藏在心底的。 我的这个朋友对漂亮新奇的事物常常表现的很兴奋。她是个和我完全相反的人。我从来不对一件事过分反应。甚至有些时侯,太冷静了。对于一些事的看法, 她也总是可以很清晰的表达出来。这一点,我很羡慕,也总是学不来。那就是我的做事方法吧-对于说出想法,我常有保留。想想,不是不想分享,只是有时这些想 法很模糊,我自己也搞不清楚,时间到了,她自然就出来罗。有时,我只想冷静的看清楚事情,客观的,保持我贯有的中庸之道。 我的另一个朋友,想到他,我总想到要爱自己多一点。身体是父母给的,怎么可以不爱呢~大概是这样的意思吧。他总是理所当然的说一些看法,而有一些 话,我不得不佩服~这些我向来都知道的道理,从他口中出来竟充满了说服力,还不知不觉地烙印在我的脑海里。所以啊,我会多爱自己一点了。 他很爱发问。每一次,他反问回我,我总是问回自己~是这样的吗?他常常可以让我反省我自己的想法。而且,他的发问总让我觉得是时候进修了。到人生的 这一刻,可以让我反省或正面思考、更上一楼的人并不多。那是因为我本身就爱思考-有很多事靠思考就可以揣摩出来。(有时候想太多还真是不好的事)他或许就 是其中一个吧。 另一个朋友,总是很勇敢的表达自己。她要做什么,想做什么,想要什么,她都会勇敢地向前冲。与她混在一起,不知不觉地,我也要坦然一些,直接一点。 还有一个朋友,虽然没赤裸裸地表现出来,她~是个很有独特想法的女孩,对事情有一套见解。这敢爱敢恨的朋友,让我学到了爱和恨的极端。也因为这样,我有点担心她会碰很多灰。但是,我相信她会从这些“灰”学到更多。我只希望她不会为此而变得偏激。 从他们的身上,我又上了一些人生的课。如果我没有从那些伤痛走出来,我不会看见他们身上的特质吧,更枉说被影响了。^_^